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Hi everyone

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:58 pm
by cliffball
Hi, I'm Cliff from Texas. I am a published author of three novels, and I work for myself as a copy-editor.

My novels are: The Usurper, a political fiction thriller, Out of Time, a time travel novella, and Don't Mess With Earth, a science fiction/alternate history novel.

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:22 pm
by NY152
Hi Cliff. Welcome to Can't wait to hear your opinions on our discussion forums. Could you explain your Don't Mess With Earth a little more? I'm more of a sci-fi fan myself and always interested to here more books.

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:27 pm
by cliffball

Well, here's the summary to Don't Mess With Earth:

An advanced group of humans leave ancient Earth, but keep an eye on their less advanced cousins. The advanced humans meet the Ragnor, an alien species that experiments on other species for no other reason but that they can. The advanced humans begin to manipulate Earth history by posing as historical figures such as King Arthur, Galileo, Amelia Earhart, among others. The Ragnor find Earth, causing all sorts of historical anomalies such as the Salem Witch Trials and the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists. In the 1940's, one of their ships get shot down over New Mexico, by some American fighter pilots with some amazing flying and some lucky machine gunning. Once the scientists of Earth start reverse engineering the downed spacecraft, President Truman issues an executive order that will forever change Earth history.

Someone who reviewed it, equated it to old pulp sci-fi, since I wrote it with lots of exposition over dialogue and characterization. It's the first novel, I plan on writing the sequel, where it'll be standard characters and dialogue. That is, if other novels don't keep popping up in my head! ha ha

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:38 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :)

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:49 am
by cliffball
Thanks. I had forgotten I had even posted here last year. Have had to re-find or re-stumble upon everything that I didn't bookmark after having had to install Windows 7.