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Very late introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:47 pm
by booklady
Hello fellow readers! I have not yet explored this forum yet but I must say I am duly impressed by all the options, fantastic threads and other goodies offered here. This appears at first glance to be a PRIMO book forum and I have a wonderful feeling that I am going to love it here.

I am Booklady. A baby-boomer from the New England area of the U.S. I've been a life-long bookaholic - it runs in the family on both sides, including both sets of grand-parents - and enjoy most genres but there are a few I won't touch. It's not because I am a literary snob as I am the polar opposite of one of them. It's just that I don't enjoy and can't get into a few genres. The few that come to mind are Vampires, Zombies, Harry Potter type stuff, Futuristic and most but not all Sci-Fi.

I love Biographies, Historical Fiction, Mysteries (no cozies pls) and Oprah Book Club selections to name just a very small few. Regarding the latter, so far my favorite book from Oprah's club was A FINE BALANCE by Rohinton Mistry. (I don't know if you can give links to Amazon or B+N, etc. like other book forums allow posters to do) I read that book ages ago and I cannot stop talking about it. It totally blew me away. What an awesome book, IMHO, that it. Second place for me was Pillars of the Earth. Again, what a fabulous book. I still have quite a few ( A lot!) of her books to read. That is my reading goal. I don't want to rest until I've accomplished that. And if I am real lucky, then I can discuss them at length here with you guys. Oh, and one of my favorites authors is Nelson DeMille. I tap my foot all during the 2 year wait in between his books chomping at the bit. Heh, heh.

Time to shut up.

Re my late introduction:
My bad. I should know better having been a member of eleventy-eleven book forums, clubs and groups.

In my vast experience, only a small percentage actually do "introduce" themselves. Most members (approx. a good 80% of a forum's membership) just lurk and never post. Out of that 20%, a real small percentage of them post heavily.

Looking forward very, very much to getting to know you all, discover new authors, make friends and join in on lots of discussions. Don't know what UserGroups are yet but it sounds enticing to me. Open to any and all questions.

Have a great day!


Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 11:35 pm
by Chris OConnor
Fantastic introduction! :)

This is my official welcome message to you, but you're already seeming like a regular around here. So welcome to You're fitting right in and we're all enjoying your input and participation.

You're quite right that few visitors ever join in the discussions. I think of it like an iceberg. Only a small portion of the iceberg actually shows itself above the surface of the water. The bulk of the iceberg lies hidden under the dark surface of the water. Our lurkers are welcome to lurk, if lurking is how they wish to enjoy, but I do think it is wonderful when a lurker pops their head above the surface and says hi.

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:34 am
by booklady
Thank you. {{blushing}}

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:59 pm
by froglipz
So what part of New England? I hail from NH but lived or worked in almost all of em :)

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:52 pm
by booklady
Really? Either you're ready for the "geezer freezer" like me or you're a gypsie, heh.

Massachusetts. And yourself?

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 2:58 pm
by froglipz
I lived in Gardner and Fitchburg MA before we moved out here to MN in '01. Worked in a few more MA places too.

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:29 pm
by Saffron
Chris OConnor wrote:Fantastic introduction! :)

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:02 pm
by booklady
Thank you Saffron.

I'm trying. Too hard I fear as I feel just awful about asking so many questions. {{looking ashamed}}

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:10 am
by Saffron
booklady wrote:Thank you Saffron.

I'm trying. Too hard I fear as I feel just awful about asking so many questions. {{looking ashamed}}
Is there such a thing as too many questions? Say it isn't so! :lol:

Re: Very late introducing myself

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:58 am
by booklady
Ha! :-)

Not for me, the eternally and chronically inquisitive Virgo. The day I stop asking questions means I am clinically brain-dead. As I've already posted, one of my reasons for reading so much is entertainment but the bigger and more prominent reason is the LOVE of learning new things. I try to learn a minimum of 1 new thing daily.

But, people being people, there are some who just either do not like to answer inquisitive types like me, those who want to but are pressed for time, those who know the answer but Never post, those who are turned off by types like me, yada, yada, yada.

In my defense, I post questions as a Last Resort, not an instant knee-jerk first reaction. I try to learn the solution or answer on my own. When I've exhausted all avenues obvious to my pinhead, only then do I feel free to ask why I believe is a legitimate question. One where I truly need to know the answer.

But I feel in my two weeks here I've already worn out my welcome and I have lots of unanswered and important questions. What to do? I'm too impatient to wait 6 months or 2 years to master BookTalk.Org. :-(