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Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:39 am
... is slang for "Wussup" in Lima ;). It also means "Speak" btw.

I'm Victor, I'm here because I want to be able to comment the books I'm reading with someone.

Well, what can I say? I like to read. I'll read mostly anything, provided it's well written. Heck, even if it isn't, I'll probably like it if the story's interesting.

Topics I'm really into: Philosophy, History, Software Design and Project Management.

Things I just love to read: A good space opera is always welcome, Hard Sci-Fi (always gets me going),
The right kind of fantasy. What do I mean by that? I'm not really interested in your run of the mill Tolkien spin off, no matter how complex. And please don't come at me with Vampire teen dramas. I want something that came out of the deepest recesses of your conscious mind, I want real fantasy, things that tell me about what your dreams are, what you want to be, what the world should look like or how you wish it did, or didn't. I want the book that takes all you know about Norse mythology and turns it on its head to make a point, I want the one about vampires that goes back to the myth's Indo-european roots and makes it Epic.

Formats: I'm not that into poetry to be honest... I love short stories. It used to be I didn't, I used to think a full blown book was always better than a short story, simply because it allowed for more depth (hey, it's longer right?), these days I'll read both.

Some favorite titles: His Dark Materials trilogy (although I read it a long time ago, I think I'd have to read it again to make sure), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Discworld series, Ulysses, Catch 22, Cien años de soledad, 13.99 Euros, El Aleph, La ciudad y los perros. I think that should give you an idea of the kind of stuff I like.

The thing about history: It started out with a fascination with roman history. Actually, that's not accurate, it started with Age of Empires. Then I got into roman history, and then I discovered my school's library. I didn't really read the books at the time. Mostly I just looked at the armor, the buildings, the battles. I did read the battles, I loved those. Then I started paging through WWII books. And then I started getting into other things, why did the battles happen? Who were the key players? What strategies did they use? Eventually I got into medieval history... and so on and so forth. It'd be foolish of me to say that I have any sort of expertise on these topics, but I love to read about them, and if you have any suggestions, I'm more than willing to take up a new history book any time, provided you sell me on it.

Right now I'm reading: The Count of Montecristo and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

See you all around ;).

Re: Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 4:01 pm
by seespotrun2008

Re: Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:29 pm
by Suzanne
Hello and welcome VMLM!

There are many members here who enjoy books of fantasy, I hope you find some new titles and some new authors in this genre that you will enjoy.

Re: Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 8:19 pm
Hey! Thanks to both of you for your replies!
I hope I will Suzanne, although one of the reasons I've decided to join this group is to widen my circle of interest... I'll definately be reading a lot of fiction, but I'll be looking into some of the stuff around here as well.

Anything that'd you'd recommend?

Re: Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:22 am
by Suzanne
We have just started discussing "The Road", Cormac McCarthy. Have you read this one? It is different from everything else I have read by McCarthy, but it's good. I hope you can join us in the discussion.

Re: Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:25 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to! :)

Re: Victor Lara from Lima, Perú. HABLA...

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:09 pm
by Dexter
Welcome from another newbie, I recently picked up a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo -- hopefully I will get to it soon