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Name that book!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:59 am
Hey, I'm wondering if you guys can help me. I'm looking for a couple of books I read way back in 1999, but I can't remember the name, the author and I only have a vague recollection of the plot xD. Let's see if anyone can *drumroll* Naaaame Thaaaaat Boooook!

The first one is set in the far future. A spaceship pilot has his consciousness melded into his ship, allowing for speeds and maneuvers that a human body would never resist. The pilot turned spaceship begins a journey of space exploration which takes him to a world populated by strange turtle like beings who communicate through elaborate arm movements.

The Second book is not so far into the future. China rules the world, something they've apparently achieved by overpopulating it. The Earth is teeming with humanity, living one on top of the other and apparently unable to stop themselves reproducing. The Chinese government builds a gargantuan space ship to send off millions of people on a colonization mission. The colonizers live for centuries on the world ship before finally arriving at Alpha Centauri, and begin colonizing the nearest habitable planet.

Ring any bells?

Re: Name that book!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 12:59 pm
by Chris OConnor
Neither book rings a bell, but the 2nd book's plot sounds pretty exciting. If you figure it out please let me know. That one would make for a great fiction book discussion since it hits on many topics that we discuss here regularly, namely colonizing other planets, overpopulation, etc..

Re: Name that book!

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:13 pm
by stahrwe
VMLM wrote:Hey, I'm wondering if you guys can help me. I'm looking for a couple of books I read way back in 1999, but I can't remember the name, the author and I only have a vague recollection of the plot xD. Let's see if anyone can *drumroll* Naaaame Thaaaaat Boooook!

The first one is set in the far future. A spaceship pilot has his consciousness melded into his ship, allowing for speeds and maneuvers that a human body would never resist. The pilot turned spaceship begins a journey of space exploration which takes him to a world populated by strange turtle like beings who communicate through elaborate arm movements.

The Second book is not so far into the future. China rules the world, something they've apparently achieved by overpopulating it. The Earth is teeming with humanity, living one on top of the other and apparently unable to stop themselves reproducing. The Chinese government builds a gargantuan space ship to send off millions of people on a colonization mission. The colonizers live for centuries on the world ship before finally arriving at Alpha Centauri, and begin colonizing the nearest habitable planet.

Ring any bells?
Try looking in for books by Anne McCaffrey she specialized in books about spaceships that were run by human brains.

Second one, sorry.