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Hello from California!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:29 am
by SJazzy51
Hey! My name is Kacie, I'm 18 years old, and I love Spanish and English poetry/literature. I read a lot of fiction, but I'm trying to immerse myself more in the non-fiction and autobiographical scene. I recently discovered poet Sharon Olds and am currently hiding my nose in her "An Unswept Room". I adore authors and poets who are willing to take risks and push themselves, as well as their readers, to new and uncharted heights. I'm a big believer of the idea that "any book worth banning is a book worth reading!" I'm very open to new ideas and people, and love making new friends (especially those who like to read as much as I do! :D ), and I'd love to meet you!


Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:58 am
by vetwriter
Welcome :)

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:00 pm
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to the community, Kacie! :)

Have you read any of the books on our Banned Books List?

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 7:46 pm
by Suzanne
Hello and welcome Kacie!

I hope you enjoy yourself here at BookTalk.

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:11 pm
by SJazzy51
Thanks everyone!

No I haven't, Chris. I'll check it out!

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:12 pm
by SJazzy51
Oh, wow. I actually have read quite a few of those books. I had no idea they were banned!

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 10:59 am
by writernubbin
Welcome Kacie :) I'm new to BookTalk as well.

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:03 am
by BooksByAnthony
Welcom Kacie, from a lover of books, and a newly self-published author..

I am also new to this site.

Re: Hello from California!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:20 pm
by wingrider
Hi Kacie,
It's good to see there are still young people who enjoy reading. I wish I could get my granddaughter interested.