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Hello from the coast of Maine

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:38 pm
by lady of shallot
I am still finding my way around this very newsy and complete site, so did not know this forum was here! My husband and I live in Maine in an over 100 year old house. We have one grown daughter and two grandchildren. They do not live very near us but fortune has smiled on us and our granddaughter recently started college at (Bowdoin) which is only 30 miles away.

My husband is an artist and I also do decoupage and we both love to read. Our town has a wonderful facility and that is a place where people can leave unwanted items and others take them. This has given us quite a library (in fact my husband has found a very desirable but out of print book there) Mostly we read non-fiction but different books. I like history and biographies. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible!

Re: Hello from the coast of Maine

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:31 pm
by BooksByAnthony
Hello, Lady, welcome! I have a vacation home on the Maine coast...scarborough...I too LOVE history books, especialy Early American History.

Welcome (I am new too), and have a very Merry Christmas


Re: Hello from the coast of Maine

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:06 am
by writernubbin
Welcome lady of Shallot :)

Re: Hello from the coast of Maine

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 1:54 am
by Chris OConnor
Welcome to :)

Post more of your husband's art if he doesn't mind!