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Most writers love thinking to music (ME) what songs do you think scenes to?

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 11:17 pm
by SarahKRose
I thought this would be a good idea for all of us to share our creative thinking. Maybe even help others with new ideas.
My favourite band of all time to listen to when writing is M83. Their song "you appearing" is a perfect example as to why I love them. Such an intense feeling. I thought of a scene where my character is at her low of lows. She holds the knife above her as her empty eyes watch the silver light streak across it's sharp end. A cold tear resting in her eyes finally falls and she presses her finger over the tip, watching numbly as the blood dribbles down.

Hope you guys find this interesting :) I'd love to hear your songs with scenes :D
It is important of course to not steal any ones scenes to use for there own but by all means, the music may inspire you to write your own :)
Also for those who don't write but love to read, tell me music that you think would go to scenes from books you've read :D
SarahKRose x

Re: Most writers love thinking to music (ME) what songs do you think scenes to?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 4:50 am
by littlebookworm
It depends on what i am writing. at the moment i'm listening to a lot of creature feature, especially Gory Demise because i'm writing a book of short horror/ghost stroys. Usually i listen to whatever i feel fits in with the mood of my characters.

Re: Most writers love thinking to music (ME) what songs do you think scenes to?

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 7:44 am
by Brooks127
So glad you asked this question. Thanks for sharing. I'm across the board.

I write to Jazz, 1980s Metal, Stoner Rock, Old School Rap, and Dubstep.

My novel (shameless plug) Sunset in Sylvan Park, available on Amazon, was written entirely listening to Jazz (Coltrane, Wilkerson, Douglas, etc.)

My story “The Boy Who Stood on Bricks”, available for free on, was written listening to Judas Priest, Kyuss, Dozer, Megadeth, and old school Metallica.

My Story the “Updown Scholars,” available for free on, was written listening to Dubstep.

Re: Most writers love thinking to music (ME) what songs do you think scenes to?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:29 am
by SarahKRose
That's really cool :)
I find it goes both ways, I'll be listening to something and BAM a scene comes into my head or I'll write something and find music that goes to it :)

Re: Most writers love thinking to music (ME) what songs do you think scenes to?

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 7:23 am
by Brooks127
It does that. It also can influence the art I choose too. The cool thing about being creative. It comes from all over the place. I can't explain it. It just does. My friends find it amusing I can listen to Dvorak one moment and Tupac the next.

To me it's all connected.

Re: Most writers love thinking to music (ME) what songs do you think scenes to?

Posted: Sat Aug 17, 2013 8:46 am
by SarahKRose
You right! There's soo many things that ate inspiring. Even going for a walk or the weather. Creative minds can find inspration from just about anything. It's such an intense experience. Like feeding emotions you can't explain have come from but you feel it like you've been there. The kind is an amazing thing :)
I was listening to "skip divided" by Thom York and it has such a creepy vibe. Perfect for my book! :)