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Currently reading The Last Policeman trilogy

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:22 pm
by BookWyrm
The last series I read that sent me running to the store for the next book as soon as I'd finished an earlier one was the Harry Potter series ... but The Last Policeman trilogy, by Ben H. Winters, is doing the same thing. It's narrated by Detective Hank Palace, who is a police officer in New Hampshire. But what's the point in solving crimes when the world is going to end? In the first book, we're told about asteroid 2011GV1, which is going to slam into the earth within six months ... "Odds of impact, one hundred percent. October 3. No options." Meanwhile, in the background of Palace's investigations, civilization is already starting to slowly unravel: supplies are running out and can't be replaced, electrical power is erratic, cellphone service is collapsing -- all the things we take for granted.

I've read the second book as well but won't go into it right now. I'm waiting for the third and final book to come in to my local bookstore (I found the first book on a sale table; I special-ordered the second and third ones. :) )