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Shutter Island

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:25 am
by Eunoia
Just started reading 'Shutter Island' by Dennis Lehane. I'm only about ten pages in, but I'm enjoying it so far. It seems like it will be a really interesting read considering what it's about. Also, I'm aware that it's a film now - how I was recommended the book actually - but I don't intend in watching it after because it's not the type of film I like watching. :P

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 8:45 am
by wilde
I looove the book and the movie. They're both filled with suspense and action and chaos.

The movie is mostly true to the book. I think the ending is slightly different, but I can't remember what was going on with the main character's partner, so I'm not totally sure.

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 12:22 pm
by Theomanic
I quite enjoyed the movie, though I've not read the book. I've heard some slags about the movie being Scorcese's worst, but I dunno. I think there were some subtleties in that film, especially the end, that people perhaps didn't notice or didn't give enough credit to. I hadn't realized the movie was based on a book. I don't know if I could read the book after watching the movie since the suspense was so important, and obviously once you've seen the movie you rather know what will happen.

It's funny that there a books you like to read that you wouldn't enjoy watching the movies of. What is it you don't like in those types of movies, that you do enjoy in the books?

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 5:29 pm
by farmgirlshelley
I read about half the book, but never finished it. I have to get it again. it was a good book, at least the part that I read LOL

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:54 am
by Eunoia
farmgirlshelley: Haha yeah, you should.

Theomanic: Yeah, it may be hard to read a book full of suspense having seen the film first. Also, I don't know that I'll necessarily like the book as I progress through it, but I think I prefer imagining the worlds rather than seeing them. Maybe because it makes it seem more real and 'this actually happens' if it's in a film, whereas in written fiction, it is just that. Maybe because I watch films to have a laugh/be entertained, rather than spooked out or whatever. I don't really know..

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 12:58 am
by JillR
Glad to hear the book is mostly true to the movie, I hate when overly ambitious directors destroy the mental picture I had.

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:25 pm
by missyannlala
I read the entire book, all the way through. I must admit that I was sidetracked through a couple parts, but overall I read it very fast and enjoyed the entire product. It was suspenseful and definitely kept me guessing.
I did watch the movie and it was an accurate version when compared to the novel. :)

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:33 pm
by wilde
I reread it and finished it today. They did change the ending a little bit in the movie, but it wasn't a plot change or anything... just a different interpretation of the novel's ending. I like it.

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:13 am
by Suzanne
I thought the ending of the movie was different from the book as well Wilde. Tell me if I'm crazy, or seeing things that are not really there, but
while watching the end of the movie, did you get the sense that the "experiment" actually did work, and he choose his fate? This is a debate I'm having with my husband. I felt that he finally accepted the truth and choose to have the "operation" to erase the pain from his mind. Or, he choose it because he is could not tolerate what he had become and was afraid that he would relapse again. He seemed very clear headed at the end. Is this possible?[spoiler]

Re: Shutter Island

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:49 am
by johnson1010
Didnt read the book, but it was a good movie.

I called the twist pretty early, though.