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Glorious Revolution

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:16 pm
by Emperorbjt
I finished "Our First Revolution : The Remarkable British Upheaval That Inspired America's Founding Fathers " by Michael Barone a few days ago and moved on and am well into to "1688 : The First Modern Revolution" by Steve Pincus.

Barone's book is more of a straight up history, but does take some positions. I found it to be well written and concise.

I would call the Pincus book more of an "argument". Pincus spells out his personal theory on what prompts revolutions in general and why the Glorious Revolution was so important not just for Britain, but for all the world.

It is very interesting and very detailed work but should only after one brushes up on the basic history of the event, as the author writes in a way that assumes the reader already knows basic facts. This is one of the reasons that I read Barone first.