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Henry VIII and his seven wives.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:30 pm
by sswf224
Almost everyone knows, or thought that they knew, that Henry VIII had six wives and every school child remembers; divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded and survived.

Fewer people know that he had at least ten or eleven mistresses and at least 4 or 5 illegitimate children but probably more. He also had many more children that did not survive infancy a not uncommon occurrence in Tudor times. He had at least 10 by his first three wives alone.

How different our history would have been if one of these had survived, been male and legitimate and became King Henry the IXth.

What hardly anyone knows is that he actually married one of his mistresses in 1538 so in fact the school yard rhyme should read ; divorced, beheaded, died, murdered, divorced, beheaded and survived ... 013&sr=1-2

Re: Henry VIII and his seven wives.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 1:18 pm
by sherwood56
Interesting....Where is the historical research for this? I don't doubt it COULD have happened, but would like to know more about it.

Re: Henry VIII and his seven wives.

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:31 pm
by haviZsultan
Thats actually nothing... King Lukengu of Congo had around 800 wives....

kings in the old days married many people. Also the ottoman empire... if you check out the number of wives and concubines these Sultans had you would be quite surprised... :P

Re: Henry VIII and his seven wives.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 5:42 am
by ClaireRidgwayAuthor
There is absolutely no evidence that Henry VIII married Mary Shelton! He had a very short fling with her, nothing more. What primary sources support your claim?