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Getting stuck

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:06 am
by PrincessFiona
I've been writing in stops and starts, which is just normal for me with my busy family life. As i approach the end of my first rough draft though, I'm finding myself uninspired. Maybe uninspired is the wrong word...I'm just so eager to be done that I am having trouble getting motivated to finish my writing. During the time that I set aside for myself, I basically fantasize about being finished and working through the edits. I fantasize about being completely done and producing the final product.

Does anyone else do this? How do you get it together and focus on your story again?


Re: Getting stuck

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:45 pm
by SkywardGnost
When it comes to motivation there are different methods. But what works for me the best is just doing it in bits and pieces (like you said).

15 minutes a day, then twenty, and so on.

Re: Getting stuck

Posted: Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:17 pm
by DontDietJustThinkcom
I have written the majority of my two books using an audio recorder. I record in my car. I record when going on long runs. I then type it up. It is hard for me to just sit and write.