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Fantasy Book on Kindle - free for limited period for reviews

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:21 am
by Mark Hockley
My new book 'Bad Holiday in Witch Town' is available as a free download on Amazon kindle for the next few days as a promotion for anyone who wants to read and review it. Look forward to hearing what people think.


When teenagers, Ellie, her brother Zack and their friends, Luke and Beth go on holiday, the last place they had in mind was Witch Town.

A throwback to Seventeenth century England, Witch Town is run by the Five Covens, each designated by colours: Black, White, Red, Green and Blue. This is a matriarchal society where the women are known as Mothers and Daughters and the men, Husbands and Sons. The women are able to use Words of Power, which they channel through amulets known as SpiritHearts, that once worn literally become a part of them. The men are taught from birth that their role is to provide offspring and work as servants.

Against a backdrop of Coven and gender politics, deceit and manipulation, with their own unique laws and traditions, the newcomers find themselves trapped within this community, where they must all face separate struggles for survival.

Ellie, most of all, is tested to her limit, as she discovers that she shares a kinship with these women and now faces a new life as a Mother. She must learn to harness and control the power that awakens within her, to not only save herself, but also the lives of her family and friends. ... rk+hockley

Re: Fantasy Book on Kindle - free for limited period for reviews

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:33 am
by john-r
Sounds interesting, maybe ill check it out after finishing the book i am currently reading.

Re: Fantasy Book on Kindle - free for limited period for reviews

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 10:40 am
by Mark Hockley
Hi John,

That would be great if you did, although the free promotion period is over now, but I have it priced at $0.99 0r £0.99 so hopefully that's affordable for people who want to give it a try. I would really welcome hearing your thoughts on it if you do decide to read it.