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New tool for those who have several books published

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 8:44 am
by Raul Sanchez
Sometimes you find simple applications that are very useful. Today I want to tell you about an application, the page, with which you can gather multiple links on a page by creating a Smartlist, and that is a simple - and free - way to direct and promote sets of links of all kinds and that you can distribute throughout the web or on social networks. It is also very appropriate in the case of including book links.

You can add all kinds of links, the possibilities are endless: lists of books, videos, links of articles, lists of personal profiles, examples of your works and designs, contents of your blog, your publications, recipes, list of catalogs, links of products , etc. Surely many of you find it interesting and I hope it will be useful for your publications.

It is very simple and quick to create one, I have done the first one with the links of my books in ten minutes, I hope you like it:

(disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with, I just really like it and found it very useful!)


(disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with, I just really like it and found it very useful!)