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Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:20 pm
by vetwriter
I am curious if any authors on here have participated in the "Tucson Festival of Books." If you have been selected to attend as an author, how long did it take you to be notified? How were you selected? Any other information would help and be greatly appreciated.

I would like to be invited as an author for the March 2011 Tucson Festival of Books, and I see that the author and his/her friends, assistants, publishers, etc. can submit nominations via the website: (, but I have no idea how many nominations you need. If you read this post, I would appreciate it if you would nominate me, Virginia Frazier, author of "Wavering."

Thank you

Re: Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:57 pm
by Chris OConnor
I'm going to the Festival of Reading at the University of South Florida on October 23rd. Never been to the one in Arizona. Good luck getting in!

Re: Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 6:44 pm
by vetwriter
I recently moved from Florida, so I won't be attending that one, but I figure if anything, even if I don't get selected to be an author at the Tucson Festival in 2011, I'll go anyway. It'll be a good experience.

Re: Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:54 pm
by echartonwrites
I'm working with the committee that is handling the Romance Writers track and we pretty much have our schedule set. If you have not heard from them I would email again and at the very least make sure you are on the list to be invited next year.
If you, or anyone else reading this do attend the bookfestival in March please stop by the booth for the Saguaro Romance Writers,

Re: Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:54 am
by vetwriter
Echartonwrites, thank you for responding to my inquiry. I tried contacting the "committee", but I just seem to receive responses from people working the exhibit booths. I only saw a place for nominating authors, and when I added myself in, I didn't see anything for YA authors, so I just added myself to fiction/literature. Of course I only have a YA book published right now (Wavering), but I have written a Romantic Suspense series that I am working on getting published as we speak. The first of the series will be published within the next month. When you say that the Romance Writers track pretty much has their (your) schedule set, do you mean that you are no longer taking more authors? Thank you for any information you can provide.

Re: Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:18 pm
by echartonwrites
To the best of my knowledge, we are not. However, I can check with my co chairs this weekend. When is your series coming out? Who is the publisher?
We have a fantastic RWA Chapter here in town if you are interested the Saguaro Romance Writers meets this Saturday. To make a reservation and get some more information go to There is a $25 meeting fee but it includes lunch. We meet at El Parador on Broadway.

If you self nominated, and they don't invite you this year, they should put you on the list for next year.
I'll see what else I can find out and get back to you.

Re: Have any authors participated in/attended Tucson's Festival of Books?

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:46 am
by vetwriter
Thank you, and I appreciate anything you can do. It would mean a great deal if I could be one of the authors at the festival.
I'm currently located in Chandler, and have another commitment for this Saturday, but I would like to attend your meetings in the future.
My series is called "Iron Sights," and the first of the two books I have already written will be released this November. To learn more about myself and my currently published book, please visit: