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Would love to get your opinion on what I may be doing wrong in my children's book.

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:36 am
by Nraneri92
I am an aspiring author who has created a children's book idea that I feel can really go somewhere. I am going to publish the book soon, and I'm asking for help on a crowd funding website with the printing of my illustrations. It seems that people aren't interested in my story, and I would like someone's honest opinion in why my video trailer doesn't seem to be getting anyone's attention. Or is it the story itself? I would love it if someone helped me out with just telling me what I can work on. Thank you for your time.

Here is the link to my video: ... -timmy-lee

Re: Would love to get your opinion on what I may be doing wrong in my children's book.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 8:20 pm
by hlawrence
I have watched your video trailer and I noticed that it is about asking people to contribute to help pay for the cost. Book trailers are clips of books that have been published and tells a brief description of the book, how much the book is selling for, and where you can purchase the book. It does seem you have a good idea for a children's book.