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Warped Tongues: 10/24/2016 Update

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:16 am
by RB816
Hello everyone. I have changed the address to my blog. It is now but you can still access all the same stories for free.

I have been busy since the last time I posted here. I have added a few new original stories. I added two revised versions of stories I previously published titled "Two Percent" and "The Garbage Man". I also added several new stories including titles such as "Boogeyman", "Exploitation", "Curse of the Gargoyle", "Prank Call", "Vulnerable", and "Rosemary Lane". I think Rosemary Lane might be my best horror story to date, so I hope you all visit my blog and give these stories a chance.

I have also added some new poems for those who are interested.

Re: Tales of the Macabre (1/22/2014 update)

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:18 am
by RB816
Hello everyone. I have updated my blog once again. The latest story is titled "Vulture". In this story, Homicide Detective Weston Archer returns to hunt the elusive serial killer known only as the Vulture, whose MO includes surgically removing the eyes of his victims with a scalpel. Can Archer stop this highly organized psychopath before he completes his work in Carter City and moves on to kill again elsewhere? You can read the full story for free at

Re: Tales of the Macabre 1/27/14 update (one new FREE story posted)

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:50 am
by RB816
Hey everybody. I've updated my blog again with a few new stories. The titles are "The Cellar", "Nightmares in the Witch House", and "Hickey". You can read all three for free at --- I hope you check them out and tell me what you guys think.

Re: Tales of the Macabre 2/5/14 update (three new FREE stories posted)

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:51 am
by RB816
Hello once again. Another quick update. I added another short story to my blog titled "Pumpkin Man", based on an old urban legend from my camp days. I decided to make this easier for everyone and from now on I'm just going to post the links for each individual story. So with that being said, here are the links to my latest stories.

The Cellar: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... ellar.html

Nightmares In The Witch House: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... house.html

Hickey: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... ickey.html

Pumpkin Man: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... n-man.html

Re: Tales of the Macabre 2/5/14 update (three new FREE stories posted)

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:32 pm
by RB816
Hey everyone. I've made quite a few updates to my blog since the last time I posted so I'm going to list all the titles below with a link to each individual story.

Rocking Chair: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... chair.html

Traveler of the Night: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... night.html

Hunger Strike: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... rsion.html

Septic: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... eptic.html

Home: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... /home.html

Hide: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... /hide.html

Dimples: http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... mples.html

As always, all stories are free to read. Just follow the links to each individual story or visit my blog directly at for more daily updates.

Re: Tales of the Macabre 4/2/14 update

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:14 am
by RB816
Hello once again. I've updated my blog with some new stories. As always, these stories are free to read and you can access them anytime at I'm going to post the titles of the latest stories below, followed by a direct link to each individual story to make it easier for everyone.

Teething (Revised version of an older story I wrote) http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... rsion.html

Lucky Lenny (A revised, extended version of an older story I wrote. This story is also not horror or science fiction like my others, it's more of a dramedy) http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... rsion.html

Double Dog Dare (A continuation of the Gravedigger series)http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... story.html

The Eyes Have It (A new story about a naïve reporter who gets the shock of a lifetime) http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... ve-it.html

Nosferatu (You guessed's a vampire story) http://www.talesofthemacabrefiction.blo ... eratu.html

Re: Tales of the Macabre 5/31/14 Update

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:37 pm
by RB816
Hey everyone. It's been a little while since I've given an update here, but I've added a number of new stories and additional content to my blog. As always, you can check it out for free at

The most popular stories right now are the Desecrators trilogy: Newborn, The Desecrators, and Desecration are their titles, respectively. And I started a new zombie mini-series titled In The Flesh. Part One was posted last night and Part Two will be posted shortly so be sure to check back for updates :-D

Re: Warped Tongues 9/25/2014 update

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 3:54 pm
by RB816
Hey everyone. I've made so many updates to my blog since I last posted here, I don't know where to begin. Last time I left off with you guys was in May. Since then, I've added over a dozen stories to my blog, including the ongoing zombie miniseries, In The Flesh.

You can read all these stories and more for FREE at Please check the site out and support a fellow writer :)

Re: Warped Tongues: 10/24/2016 Update

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 12:15 am
by RB816
Hey! It's been a long time since I've posted here. I lost the address to this forum, but I was able to find it through my an old email account. My blog is still active and going strong. The address is and there are well over 100 short stories to read and enjoy. I mainly write horror, science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. I'm also active on twitter. Follow me @ThatHorrorGuy and I'll follow back :) I'm always looking for fellow writers, readers, and horror/SciFi fans to converse with. And I'm always open to feedback and suggestions.