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Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 5:08 pm
by RB816
I have my own blog at which I used to post free flash fiction and short stories to share with the public and get my name out there as a writer.

I recently started a zombie mini-series titled In The Flesh. It's the most popular story on my blog and I want to keep it going for as long as possible. And that's where I need your help.

I'm looking for writers (fans of horror and zombies are a plus) who are interested in participating by writing their owns entries of this series. You can create your own story, your own characters, your own setting, so long as it takes places within the world and timeline of In The Flesh.

I can't afford to pay anyone, but I can post and promote your stories on my blog, giving the writer full credit for their work of course. It's a good way to get free promotion, get your name out there as a writer, and it could be fun too. Please respond to let me know if you're interested.