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My new short story: London Fables

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 10:48 am
by GalaxyZento
This is just the opener, but I thought I would share. It's story where two of my hero (gov agent types) are going to London to help track down a super powered killer. Little do they know that it's connected to this event:

Chief Inspector Jeffries stood by his office door dunking the tea bag in his cup of hot water. He hated for anything to interrupt the ritual of the morning and almost snarled at the Sergeant presenting him with the manila package.
“It’s marked urgent, Sir and for you directly.”
Jeffries half groaned as he set down his cup of fresh tea and took the padded package. He tore the end open and a red striped object fell into his hand.
“A candy cane?” Jeffries handed it to the Sergeant and pulled out the folded paper.

In seven days 100,000 people are going to die a horrible death.

“Do you think it’s a joke, Sir?” The Sergeant asked.
“Done in poor humor if it is. Run this for everything. We’ll find the bugger and sort him out.”
“What about this candy cane?”
“Doubt we’ll get anything off that.” Jeffries took it and scrutinized it. “Trash.”
He dropped it in the garbage can near his feet. The explosion killed both men instantly and bore a gaping hole out of the Chief Inspector’s office to the outside world.

Re: My new short story: London Fables

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 10:57 am
by jackpatterson
Nice start.
It is said there is a super powered killer. What type of super power do you mean?

Re: My new short story: London Fables

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:18 am
by GalaxyZento
An antimatter infused werewolf, but he's part of a crew. The crew call themselves the Fables because of their leader, Mother Goose (real name Martin Tweed). Mother likes to leave warped fairy tales at crime scenes as a calling card. He's the one who makes the candy canes.