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Ch. 1: The Rise of the Rest

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:06 pm
by Chris OConnor
Ch. 1: The Rise of the Rest

Please use this thread to discuss Ch. 1: The Rise of the Rest.

Re: Ch. 1: The Rise of the Rest

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:42 pm
by Dexter
I'm just getting a little head start, we've got plenty of time.

The first chapter gives a short summary of “the rise of the rest” — the growth of developing countries. Some people who have a zero-sum view of the world might be worried about it. I’m reminded of NYT columnist Thomas Friedman who I usually don’t read, but he talks about the global economy like it’s a competition, and US needs to improve policy in order to keep winning. As my background is in economics, I have a more positive-sum view of the world, certainly in the long-run. Richer neighbors make everyone better off.

He gives some good stats on the decline in global poverty. A lot of people who are obsessed with inequality within the US seem strangely unimpressed or ignorant of this.