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Almost a Monster....: The Cause and Consequences of Abuse

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:54 am
by JamesT45
Almost a Monster
In Almost a Monster, James T. Fraser talks about the layers we all envelop ourselves within, as he shares his personal life trauma and what he has been through. It is a journey to self healing and understanding.
Most of his life has been chaos on a roller coaster, always up and down, and with a twist.
While going through life he feels as if something is missing. He can't really understand what it is, but he feels as if he has lost his identity through the layers he wrapped himself within.
"How can you say you are truly being yourself if you do not allow people to get close to you or allow yourself to get close to them?"
"I have often heard to get to know a person you have to peel back the layers like an onion."
James states in his book.
The layers that he thought were protecting him from getting hurt were now chains that restricted him from being his inner self.
They were caused by fear. But fear of what? He takes a soul finding journey, and goes back to his past, and even decades before he was born. He tries to seek understanding to the madness he had to endure, and live through to find healing.
James encourages his readers to take the journey with him and shed they layers we have enveloped ourselves within.
It is a true, powerful, and raw novel; filled with suspense and surprises.

(You may preview the cover of the book in the attachment below.)
It is available in Amazon ... s+t+fraser
And through Publish America online book store ... 740fd86af4