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Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:03 am
by liswilliams
Hello everyone

Snakes - Learn Cool Facts about Snakes and See Awesome Pictures

this is a book for the 8-12 year old age group, but adults may also learn something about the top deadliest snakes as well as just the basic facts. There are some great pictures here, so if you love wildlife photography, you will appreciate this book. ... B00C0DBUV8

Re: Snakes

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:09 am
by sonoman
Great! Love snakes and reptiles. Used to be a snake boy myself collecting, keeping for a short time, and then releasing many kinds of snakes as a kid, even a little rattler, a panamint rattlesnake. Had a boa too at one time. Snakes are resurrection totem animals btw, folks, because the ancients saw them become brand new snakes when they shed their old skins, so let's hear it for Snakes on Easter! My astrological Sign, Aquarius, is actually derived from the Egyptian hieroglyph showing two snakes as duplicating the motion of water, hence the Water connection to Aquarius. Also, the ancients associated snakes with healing wisdom, powerful medicine which is why even today one sees the Caduceus symbol on ambulances and hospitals.