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The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:01 pm
by Flowers Jasmin
The Dyslexia Doctor is a sensational and unpublicized Scientific Program for that cured the author's son of his Dyslexia by using ONLY Simple Body Movements for 5-10 minutes per day on a Program that typically lasts approximately 12 months for school-children.

Guaranteed to completely change your outlook on Dyslexia with incredible scientific research, it is Drug-free, Pain-Free and Pure, Pure Fun for the children, and absolutely FASCINATING for the adults as they understand how this Program works. In the most subtle way, the remedial exercises that are given gently re-boot the child's under-performing operating system.

Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 10:33 am
by susanjmccann

I would like to know more? It seems incredible that this could work? I would be interested to know if it does work as I am dyslexic. I have had professional help at University, as well as attending many seminars and training about this in my carear. I have never heard of using simple movements to cure dyslexia. Not that I think it is a disease. It's just that the brains filtering system works differently. Which in lots of ways works better at looking at information than people who are not dyslexic. I would like to know more, if this can help children.


Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 4:51 am
by JudyOdonnell90
Hello Susan,

Your post was sent on to me regarding the Dyslexia Doctor. I am the author, and my son went through this 12 month program 20 years ago. The program never became mainstream, although doctors and other 'professionals' did train as therapists as well as other fascinated mothers - it is used in the Swedish school system and elsewhere in Europe. It works on the premise of an under-functioning 'operating system', and rigorous and finely-tuned physical ,neurological and psychological testing predetermines the various 'aberrances' which together make a unique profile for the child. Since that time, intensive and comprehensive research has been done as many more children have gone through the program. The exercises are given to tell the brain to go back and do what it should have done in infancy. There is also success in adults (obviously) although it can be more complex beause with maturiy, the individual learns psychological techniques to disguise an inability to 'do' what other people can do instinctively.

I wrote the book to help parents (some experts are uncomfortable - of course). I just want this info in the public arena as one parent to another for the younger generations of frantic mothers and fathers.

My book is on free promo here on 8th and 9th May: ... dle123xyz/


Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:45 pm
by susanjmccann
Hi Judy,

Thanks for your message, I'm afraid I have been swamped with emails and have only just got round to seeing this one hidden away in the pile. I did click on the link and downloaded your tips, I was however too late for the free offer. Is there any more dates scheduled for this? Have you a website or blog? It does sound very interesting. My grandaughter also has similar problems to me, she is only 7 and we are told too young to test? It would be wonderful if this could help her.
Best wishes
PS I'm getting a website up and running, that covers areas of self-help. Would you be interested in writing an article on this in the future?

Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 12:50 pm
by JudyOdonnell90
Hello Susan,

I am delighted to hear from you again. What a shame you missed the free promo, and we are planning to do another one before the beginning of June. Just watch my FB page judyteacher and Twitter @JODTeacher.

The book's website is which gives much more info, obviously. Testing normally starts at 8, but it is possible to spot anything very obvious beforehand. It works very well for adults too .. the only thing I would say is that adults have years of pyschological and physical barriers that they have put up to 'compensate' for their perceived lack of abilities,so it can take longer. (Of course, I have always thought that these people are highly creative and intuitive and simply see the world differently...) Think Richard Branson and Henry Winkler, (and Eisntein, da Vinci and Thomas Edison...)!

I would be delighted to contribute to your new website - do contact me via my publishers at [email protected] who will send it on to me!

Many blessings, Susan


Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:35 pm
by JudyOdonnell90

I have just been told my Facebook address is Judyhealth (not Judyteacher...)

Oh! the joys of the internet!


Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 5:08 am
by susanjmccann
Hi Judy,

Thanks for your reply, I will look at your Twitter posts, I don't use facebook. Once the website is ready I will contact you via your publishers. In the meantime I will check out the books website, and link it out to my Followers on Twitter. Maybe some of them wil also be interested.

I will let you know how the book helps either my Grandaughter or myself.

PS Thanks for sharing your experience in a book to help others.

Re: The Dyslexia Doctor [Kindle Edition]

Posted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:16 am
by JudyOdonnell90

Again, thank you for your note. My Twitter account is:


I made another mistake yesterday - I, of course, don't handle Social Media - that's for the younger generation..!

Keep me informed of things...
