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The One Minute Millionaire

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:25 am
by enfostream
The One Minute MillionaireThe Enlightened Way to WealthBy Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. AllenI've always been a fan of Robert Allen and knew that Mark Victor Hansen was coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul... so I had a good feeling about The One Minute Millionaire (TOMM) before I bought it. TOMM is actually a hybrid - two books in one - both a non-fiction book and novel. The authors' thinking was that since people have different learning styles - "artists" and "engineers" - they could drive their message home to people across the board. I read the nonfiction part of the book first, thinking that I was more of a "logical" learner... and didn't read the novel part of the book until 11 days ago - almost a year later. The funny thing is that it was the novel part of the book, the part for "visual" learners not "logical" learners", is what learned the most from!Who knew? I guess I learned something about myself after all of these years.TOMM is a great read and I have a strong suspicion that anyone who thinks that making lots of money is evil... would totally change their way of thinking after reading this book. I recommend it to anyone looking for the right mindset and some good ideas on getting started on making their first million. TOMM shows the wonderful things that money can do in the hands of men and women of goodwill.Christopher

Re: The One Minute Millionaire

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:41 pm
by marblestop926
Thank's for heads-up on the book. But, I have a believe that those books(get rich themed) are for the author's benefit. O.k. I've read enough of those kinds to warrant my own (opinion). So, let me ask you the question - What can we expect from this title(book)? Don't make me out to be a skeptic, because I have read the text. And, my opinion about becoming rich in life is good. Please visit my new forum on ezBoard it's called 'Invisible Thread', and the goal of this new community is wealth building. Further, you ended your script with the statement that money is good in the hands of people of Goodwill. That sounds to me as if you picked that up within the book. Can a businessman be a Goodwilled person, or are they all crooks(takers!!). Thank You. My e-mail: [email protected] (see my community, too!!) Chancellor

Re: The One Minute Millionaire

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:43 pm
by marblestop926
Corrections to my text - believe is belief, and have read the book is havn't read the book. Yikes! Chancellor