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A Recommended Self-Help Book Which I Like - "How To Get A Guy To Propose In 365 Days"

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 12:35 am
by Titania Hudson
For myself, I enjoy reading self-help books that teach me how to enter into long-lasting relationships and the advice given here is simplistic yet useful. Basically, I like to take my BGR relationships on a slow and steady ride so as to make them work for a longer period of time, at least, till I can comprehend if the guy really fits my bill :) Just thought to share some reflections on this book. If you're someone like me seeking for some advice on classic, down-to-earth romances, then this book could be your life-saver!


Did you know that giving the right signals to your man, may start him thinking about the idea of treating you as a potential soul-mate and finally marrying you?

Discover quick and smart tips on how to get a man to fall in love with you and secure the much coveted marriage proposal you want from your beau within the next 12 months.

Commonly known, finding love and waiting to hear the three words - "I love you" - from your Prince Charming are deemed a challenge, not to mention the final day when he surprises you with a ring and utters the magic words that never fail to tug at your heartstrings - "Will you marry me?" Playing dating games can be a tedious chore, if you catch my meaning and it's even more exasperating to find ways to make a man want to marry you fast! This specific guide dishing out tips on dating etiquette, love compatibility and relationship advice for women will render much help to you by charting the stages in the dating cycles on a month-to-month progression till the first year anniversary is reached, and the man of your dreams gets inspired to propose marriage to you. After all, isn't maintaining a romantic relationship one of the hardest things to do? An essential read for both single men and women hoping to enjoy the various stages of casual dating and advance into the sanctity of marriage.