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Astrology of Health: physical & psychological health in the natal and progressed charts

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 5:19 pm
by Noel
This book is the result of a lifetime of personal experience and research as an astrologer, healer and psychologist. Initially I created this as an online course quite some years ago. I was so inspired by the feedback from students that I transcribed and condensed the notes and conversations for this book. This was a work of love and one that I now pass on to those astrologers and healers who wish to know a little more of the link between astrology and health.


"Based on his successful Health Astrology course, Noel Eastwood's "Astrology of Health" is a highly practical and accessible work. With engaging lesson transcripts and over 30 natal charts analysed in detail, this book has plenty to offer even to the advanced student of astrology. Noel and his students explore how elemental dominance manifests in our psyche and our body; how Planets, Signs and Houses correspond to potential problem areas and how our mental and physical health can be affected by transits, directions and progressions."!books/c17b6

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