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My Thinking Cap

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:54 pm
by nbrack88
In his book “My Thinking Cap-Solutions For Global Crisis” Brad discusses and posits solutions for the energy crisis, the immigration crisis, eases concerns for the climate change and explores a variety of other topics like our future in space, intelligent design, effective leadership, and ethics in business. As I was reading, I began to wonder what made Brad so sure about all these issues, further research brought this:

So who is Brad Fregger and why does he think he has such great ideas? Brad holds a Master’s Degree in Futuristics, a field dedicated to analyzing current conditions and making predictions for future developments. Brad brings 45 years of experience in retailing, corporate training, publishing, and software development to back his discussions of effective leaders and revolutionizing the business environment. Brad also is an international speaker in Europe, the Middle East, and Canada; when Brad speaks, people listen.

I don't often read books on issues like these, but in lieu of all the crisis talks, I wanted a source other than the media to provide some insight. Brad posits that electric cars are the most reasonable sources for pollution reduction, the immigration can and should be solved by an implemented plan, and that to say we as individuals will kill the earth is pure sensationlism. These are jsut a few points come across in the reading.

The best feature about this book (and many of his others) is the conversational tone he uses to discuss the issues at hand. He does not sensationalize the issues to promote fear in the reader, nor does he press his beliefs as the only truth. His goal is to present a theory in hopes of spurring action, for he knows that no action will result in an environment far more difficult for future generations.

“The future of our society is dependent on our hopes, expectations, and images of it….We can increase the possibility of a more positive future by developing and nurturing positive visions and images of it.”
--Brad Fregger