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Dreaming of a Snickers moment mixed with a cup of unfiltered bathwater?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:42 am
by S K Smith
Hello all from the resident C.O.
Fiction writing is obviously the written version of your dreams and ideas…. However, what dreams or desires have you had that may not be ink to paper?
For me it would be creating live entertainment shows. I would love to put a major music festival or comedy show together.

Re: Dreaming of a Snickers moment mixed with a cup of unfiltered bathwater?

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:03 am
by Molly28
I did think of going into the comedy business at one point. I get nervous at public speaking, so maybe the joke writing side of it :)

Re: Dreaming of a Snickers moment mixed with a cup of unfiltered bathwater?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:49 am
by S K Smith
Molly, I hope this helps you.
I have had to give a lot of shift briefings, conduct training, and teach classes for my department. The key for me was to not look them in their eyes. If you look at the eyebrows or forehead, the person you are talking to will not really be able to tell you are not looking at them in their eyes. As you get more comfortable with talking to groups, you can make eye contact with minimal to no issues.

When speaking to large groups, find three spot just behind the back line, one on each side and one in the middle. Talk to those points and the group will never know you are looking at a wall or picture. Every once and a while, look at the space between people in the other rows and they will think you are looking in their direction.

The key in all cases is to know what you are talking about or have a PHD in BSing.


Re: Dreaming of a Snickers moment mixed with a cup of unfiltered bathwater?

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2016 5:03 pm
by Cattleman
Although I have made my living with the written and spoken word (I am a retired lawyer), my daydream is to put together a male/female vocal music duo. I woul not be a performer, but a manager/arranger. I know it sounds a little silly, but there you have it.

Re: Dreaming of a Snickers moment mixed with a cup of unfiltered bathwater?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:51 pm
by S K Smith
There is nothing silly about our dreams, they are sometimes the driving force or salvation of hope. However, it does appear that we both have the same hobby in mind, entertaining people.
