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Books featuring a cast of unpleasant characters

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 10:46 am
by Kevin
I'm currently reading Wuthering Heights and have read in reviews and other various comments the idea that all the characters are cruel, malicious and so on. I can't yet agree with this assessment, but as I'm only 14% of the way through there remains plentiful opportunity for dasderdly deeds. I'm thinking now of books in which I dislike every character of importance. Anna Karenina springs instantly to mind though I'm vaguely recalling Levin being not all that bad.

Have you read a book in which you dislike every character? What do you think of the book?

Re: Books featuring a cast of unpleasant characters

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 12:51 pm
by Cattleman
Of books I have recently read, I would have to list "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn as fitting your mold. I may think of others later.

Re: Books featuring a cast of unpleasant characters

Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:29 pm
by Kevin
Did you enjoy the book? I'm quite enjoying Wuthering Heights even though I have no fondness for any of the characters. On the other hand, and this I think is the more common result, I'm sure it played a large part in my antipathy towards Anna Karenina, the work, that rose page by dreadful page. From what I recall Tolstoy didn't like it either. That being something of the point of the novel. So good work Leo... it is indeed a classic.