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"Unintended Consequences" by John Ross

Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2018 3:39 pm
by Old Reb
I picked up a copy of this at the local Savers thrift shop here in Austin and just got around to starting it early this week. It was written in 1996 and is all about the gun culture in America. The deeper I got into it the more I realized that the real theme is all about the gradual oppression of our individual liberties by the Federal government. There are a lot of technical gun terms here that you have to wade through but it's really a riveting story about what might happen here if people are pushed too far.

I Googled John Ross and this book seems to be a cult favorite regularly among the top sellers on Amazon. It's not usually available in retail book stores but is sold mainly on Amazon and at gun shows. It seems to be in high demand as a Wikipedia survey taken in 2009 shows regular sales of new copies at $120 each, used at $50 with publishers having difficulty keeping it in stock. Looks like I got a good deal for $3!

Give it a try - I think you will be surprised at how good it is. Ultra liberals, stay away from this one. It will raise your blood pressure.

Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:23 am
by CharChar84
Yes, you got an amazing deal! Believe it or not, those hardbacks used to only cost $36 when they first came out! John Ross is a good friend of my husband's and we've actually gone shooting with him in the past. We are always telling people about his book and we get the same response "It's crazy expensive" our 2 copies are well worn because they are borrowed so often. We have one regular hardback copy and 1 signed hardback copy. There was talk a few years ago about making Unintended Consequences into a paperback for more affordability. Not sure if that will ever happen though.

I am glad you enjoyed the book!

Re: "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:48 pm
by Old Reb
Thanks for the response to my post. I just checked eBay and the cheapest price for a used copy is $79.99. Tell Mr. Ross he has a lot of friends down in the Republic of Texas! Sure wish he would write another book.