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Buy a copy of "The Hidden Life of Trees" here

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 9:25 am
by Chris OConnor

Re: Buy a copy of "The Hidden Life of Trees" here

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 5:25 pm
by LanDroid
While requesting this from the library, I noticed there are actually three choices. There's the book linked above from 2016.
There is also an illustrated version from 2018, but says it is abridged.
And there is a 1.5 hour documentary film.

I just received the first book and the DVD from the library. I'll let you know how the illustrated version compares once that arrives; not sure if the illustrations justify the abridgement, we'll see...

Re: Buy a copy of "The Hidden Life of Trees" here

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 11:47 pm
by Chris OConnor
I'm doing this book on Audible, so I suppose that's another available format. The documentary film is tempting, but $25 is a pretty steep price.

Re: Buy a copy of "The Hidden Life of Trees" here

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:09 am
by LanDroid
Check your library for all versions - regular book, illustrated, audible, and DVD.

Re: Buy a copy of "The Hidden Life of Trees" here

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 9:12 pm
by LanDroid
I watched the DVD of the hidden life of trees. I'd recommend watching it if you can get it from the library, but wouldn't recommend buying it. Like the subject matter it is rather slow moving :-D showing parts of lectures from the author, folks wandering around in a forest, an environmental protest, the author tending his animals, etc. However it does help in understanding the book, showing clouds of tree pollen spreading or waves of spores floating away from mushrooms, many things I haven't noticed before. Oh and you get to see the oldest tree in the world, a creature nearly 10K years old in Sweden. Gotta admit it doesn't look like much, I'd chop it down if it was in my yard, but amazing to consider what it has lived through...