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Who else is addicted to Netflix lol?

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 7:48 pm
by TomCrossley
I am still fairly new to the Netflix phenomonon (about 2 months in) and am only just starting to see the mass appeal with these streaming services available.

A lot of my friends and family were already subscribed to Netflix, and finally after a few years of waiting I decided to part with my cash and subscribe to see what all the fuss was about. But with what I found, I have to admit I was pleasantly suprised. The quality of the Netflix productions themselves I thought were pretty good. Anyone else find this too...?

I particularly enjoyed the Netflix film 'Tick tick... BOOM!' with Andrew Garfield (I think he got an Oscar nomination for this)

Anyone else having a good experience with Netflix so far? What are you guys watching on it? Would love to know.


Re: Who else is addicted to Netflix lol?

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2022 10:34 am
by LanDroid

Re: Who else is addicted to Netflix lol?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:44 am
by hanauta
I don't consider myself addicted to Netflix but I recently watched a Netflix show that I find good. The title of the show was "Inventing Anna", you might want to check it out.

Re: Who else is addicted to Netflix lol?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:44 am
by wallicolls
I'm definitely addicted to Netflix! I love that I can watch my favorite shows whenever I want and that there are always new things to discover. I often find myself spending hours browsing the selection, trying to decide what to watch next. And once I start watching a show, it's hard to stop! I'm always trying to find ways to fit Netflix into my schedule, whether it's watching an episode while I eat breakfast or catching up on a show before bed. Luckily, Netflix is always there when I need it, and I can't imagine life without it!

Re: Who else is addicted to Netflix lol?

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:46 am
by wallicolls
I'm definitely addicted to Netflix! I love that I can watch my favorite shows whenever I want and that there are always new things to discover. I often find myself spending hours browsing the selection, trying to decide what to watch next. And once I start watching a show, it's hard to stop! I'm always trying to find ways to fit Netflix into my schedule, whether it's watching an episode while I eat breakfast or catching up on a show before bed. Luckily, Netflix is always there when I need it, and I can't imagine life without it!

Re: Who else is addicted to Netflix lol?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:46 am
by annaAlice
Haha, count me in! I’m definitely addicted to Netflix. It’s my go-to for unwinding after a long day. I can’t resist just one more episode before bed, even if it means staying up too late. My latest binge is Stranger Things—I’ve already lost track of how many times I’ve said “just one more episode”!