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Shiny, Green and Newly Published Digitally.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:47 pm
by stitchlips
Hello everyone out in the great world wide web. My name is Mark. I have been writing my whole life, mostly poetry and music. I just completed my first story. It is geared towards a younger audience but I would love to hear everyone's opinion on this adventure.

I have been telling this story to my children for quite a while and they convinced me to write it down. My 5 year old daughter painted the cover art for me. Here is the synopsis.

Sally is a little girl with a huge imagination for adventure and adventure comes to her one day when she meets a giant green sea monster named Franko.Together they stumble onto the biggest adventure of their lives when they find a chest of gold at the bottom of a lagoon.

A mysterious book that was given to her by her father holds the keys to the past and the present.

Join them as they dive into a world of mystery and adventure that is full of suspense, action and most important of all friendship.

It is currently available at Barnes and Noble at my website in my signature.

I look forward to hearing any feedback be it positive or negative.

Re: Shiny, Green and Newly Published Digitally.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:41 pm
by ValsBooks
Welcome to Book Talk! I have a children's story/activity book called Einstein the Destroyer. The story is fun (about a dog named Einstein) and the illustrations & activities are fantastic. I'm on Amazon and I started my own publishing company to get my works to print much faster than other methods. But I'm finding that generating interest in children's books (as opposed to my mystery novels for adults) is frustratingly difficult. What are you doing (besides getting to know people on the fun forum) to promote your work?

Valerie Biamonte

Re: Shiny, Green and Newly Published Digitally.

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 8:57 pm
by stitchlips
I have been looking online for anywhere to promote my book. I have done facebook and I made a website.

I put it on Amazon and Barnes and Noble in electronic format. I am thinking about making a book trailer and putting it on Youtube and all of the book trailer sites. Do you have any other suggestions?

Re: Shiny, Green and Newly Published Digitally.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:11 am
by ValsBooks
I wish I had more suggestions. I've been trying to get into schools, even offering to contribute part of the proceeds from sales to the parents, to the school, but no such luck. There's a book out called "The New Rules of Marketing & PR", which I've been reading that has a lot of good stuff in it. Then there's "1001 Ways to Market Your Book". I like your idea of a book trailer on YouTube. It sounds like you'd be able to get into libraries with your story (I can't because mine's an activity book), have you tried your local libraries, offering to do a story hour?

Re: Shiny, Green and Newly Published Digitally.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 7:50 am
by stitchlips
I didn't even think about going to the local library. I will have to look into that. Thanks

Re: Shiny, Green and Newly Published Digitally.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 8:06 am
by ValsBooks
No problem. Play up the fact that you're a local author and willing to help with their kid's programs and you'll do great. Then you can branch out & sell to other libraries that are not local by including your successes with the local guys. It'll hopefully have a snowball effect for you. Good luck and let me know how it goes.