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The Gargoyle-Psychological thriller

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:12 pm
by vetwriter
I am a lover of fiction, so that is mostly what I read (and write). I recently checked out "The Gargoyle" from my local library, and I love it. First of all, it is told in the first person perspective, a perspective I enjoy because it allows the reader (me) to enter into the narrator's mind better than if the story were told from the usual third person perspective.
The story begins with the morally corrupt male porn star crashing his car and getting set on fire because he's high on drugs. While he's in the hospital, the book takes you on a journey with what it's like both emotionally and physically to be a burn victim. Once he is in the process of his recovery, he meets a mysterious woman from the psychiatric ward, and she begins this Arabian Nights type storytelling that moves the novel forward fairly well.
I haven't finished the book yet, but I just had to say that I love it (especially the medical terminology with having been a Biology major in college)! Let me know if you have also read this story, and what you thought of it.