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The Dark Age and The Last Prophet

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:25 am
by jhorton
THE DARK AGE and THE LAST PROPHET have both been released over the past month. The Dark Age is the sequel to THE GREAT COLLAPSE, an apocalyptic suspense novel about the demise of civilization when an EMP and solar flare work together to knock out power worldwide, permanently. In The Dark Age, humanity once again lives by the sword and arrow, desperately waiting for a sign from God that the darkness will soon end, offering humanity an opportunity to ascend out of the darkness and rebuild civilization, if they believe.

The Last Prophet is a novel based on Chapter 11 in the book of Revelation in the Bible. The novel is told in the first person, from the perspective of the prophet.

If you're interested in a free copy of The Last Prophet, there is a giveaway on Goodreads.
Just follow the link below. ... st-prophet

To purchase The Dark Age and The Last Prophet:

World Castle Publishing- ... family.htm
The Dark Age- ... 071&sr=1-1
The Last Prophet- ... 195&sr=1-5

Press Release- ... 97534.html
Press Release: ... 15693.html

The Dark Age-
The Last Prophet-