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A Rumor About Hemingway That I Hope Is True

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 2:11 pm
by AnnaWins
Have any of you heard the rumor that Hemingway once bet a table of writers $10 that he could write a complete short story that consisted of only six words? When his fellow writers told him it couldn't be done, Hemingway wrote his story on a napkin and passed it around the table. Each writer handed over $10.

The story: "For Sale. Baby Shoes. Never Worn."

Every time I tell this short story to friends (regardless of whether of not they enjoy reading or have kids), the reaction is always the same: shock and then sadness

I have rarely told a story that has received such strong and consistent reaction. I love to tell this story to new people and watch their reaction. Snopes could not confirm that the story of the bet is true – but I don't care. I think it's a great story and have no problem spreading the rumor.

Your thoughts on the story and whether or not you've heard this rumor?