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Suggestion for Oct & Nov

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:08 am
by TK Trayle
Good Evening all,

It's so difficult to suggest a book. I prefer mystery, thriller, with a little romance.
I think "Fifty Shades of Grey" is out?

How about "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" by Stieg Larsson. I was going to read the first book (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) but watched the movie before I could get a chance to read it. I really enjoyed it!

Shameless plug: My novel "HEAVENLY HELL - Hindered Happiness" is about a love story between a teenage angel and demon. It’s not just a lovey dovey romance, but an edgy fantasy full of twists, turns, betrayals, revelations and some....controversy! It's more of an adult youth novel.
Please feel free to check out the book trailer:
video (or tag word: tk trayle)

Take care,