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November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:48 pm
by Chris OConnor
November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

This thread is for fiction book suggestions for a group discussion in November and December. If the book discussions ends up being active enough we'll extend the discussion period through January 2013. But for now this will be a 2-month discussion period.

So what would you like to read and discuss in November and December 2012?

Please read and follow these simple rules...

Don't make suggestions in this thread if you have less than 10 posts on our forums.
This is not the place to market your book if you're an author or trying to help an author promote a book. Create a new thread and share your book there. Do NOT do it in this thread unless you fully intend to actively participate in the discussion. And if you really plan to participate go make 10 quality forum posts and THEN make your fiction book suggestion. We know from a decade of experience you will never participate if making 10 forum posts is too tedious or a challenge. All book suggestions from people with less than 10 posts will be deleted and the member will be shot. 8)

Include all the necessary info in your post.
We need the book title, author name, a link to where we can read reviews or a book description, and possibly most importantly we need to know why you're making the suggestion. You don't need to say much but show that you care enough and respect the book selection process to share a few of your thoughts on why your suggestion might make for a great group book discussion.

Please read every suggestion in this thread and leave feedback.
The most crucial step in our book selection process is considering the feedback people leave on the books that are suggested. So look carefully at all the fiction books you see suggested here and share your thoughts. Would you join a group of us in reading and discussing each particular book in the event it gets selected for group discussion? This is what we need to know. If this thread generates 25 fiction book suggestions but only 4 of those 25 suggestions receive any positive feedback we'll only put the 4 books that received positive feedback on the poll. Why would we include books on the poll that only the people suggesting them apparently like? So please tell everyone which of the suggestions you like and which you do not like. Don't be shy or worry about hurting feeling. We need your honestly and openness.

Let the suggestions begin!

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:02 pm
by Chris OConnor
Personally, I'd love to see a fantasy book finally get selected. In the Intro Forum so many people have joined over the years pronouncing fantasy to be their favorite fiction genre, yet we never see fantasy books suggested or endorsed by fellow members.

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:52 pm
by Cattleman
I too would like to see a good fantasy (or science fiction) book discussed. So far in my brief exposure here, everything has been 'serious' fiction. :P Reminds me or Mark Twain's definition of a classic: "A book everyone praises, but no one reads." :wink: However, IMHO, good fantasy is harder to find than good sci-fi. After reading Tolkien, everything else seems a pale copy. :cry: So, after all the above blather, unless it has already been discussed here, I nominate "The Hobbit." :!: :D :!:

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:52 pm
by Chris OConnor
Concerning Hobbits.

That is how The Hobbit starts I believe.

I second your nomination of The Hobbit!

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:14 pm
by Chris OConnor
It would be nice to read something a bit lighter next. Atlas Shrugged is known for being a deep and great novel but not exactly light reading. We need some lighter suggestions for the next fiction discussion. Of course this is only my personal opinion and I'm one of many people so please only suggest what interests you. I'm just trying to plant a seed here.

How about The Hobbit as Cattleman suggests above? Or what about the classic The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? How about 11/22/63 by Stephen King?


Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:38 pm
by heledd
I would support The Hitchhikers Guide. Everything so serious here lately

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 12:09 am
by Chris OConnor
Thanks, heledd.

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:20 am
by Cattleman
"Hitchhiker's Guide would also be a good choice (Don't Panic. :o :shock: ). Now if I can just find my copy. :?

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:08 pm
by Chris OConnor
This is one of those books you can find just about anywhere. Look under your couch. Or check your friend's bookshelves.

Re: November & December 2012 Fiction Book Selection

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:09 pm
by Olivia22
I would support The Hobbit or Hitchhiker's Guide. I don't believe I have ever read Hitchhiker's Guide.