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BLACKENED COTTAGE thriller with twist - 14 reviews avg 4.6 stars

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 11:42 am
by Streaky Steve
I am a relative (the father) of the author so read on at your peril!

Blackened Cottage is a psychological thriller with a twist by A.E. Richards. Published on 13th August 2012, it has already gathered 14 amazon reviews in the UK at an average of 4.6 stars out of 5 (the US lags with 6 reviews but the average is just as high).

The blurb:
Lisbeth, 18, is lonely and confused. She lives in Blackened Cottage in constant terror of provoking her violent Father and uncertain as to what made her Mother leave. Her only chance of survival is to escape her father, his lascivious friend and a psychotic individual who is out to get her. Lisbeth's journey is one plagued with danger and doubt as she tries to save her little brother, regain her memory and be free.

And a selection of review extracts:
"Simply outstanding. A.E. Richards has delivered a great piece of art. Her story telling is like nothing I have read. Easily best book I have read this year" Rick
"This is a very well plotted and very well written book that I strongly recommend" B J Burton - Author
"I don't normally write reviews, but this debut book by A E Richards is a cracker. I read it in one go as I couldn't put it down." Abi Miller