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Got a review so bad that it helps

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:34 am
by writerjohnb
Last month I was asked to talk to elementary students about my historical slavery novel at a local museum. To enable those students who might want to read the book, I made both the juvenile and adult versions of this particular slave's story available free on kindle. I was hoping for a couple of reviews, and I got them, but one floored me. I'm not going to respond to it or discuss it, but I want you to see how it backfired. Here's the one-star review:

Call me when you figure out that this still applies to women. That's nice. The original didn't include men of color. It still doesn't apply to women. The ERA didn't pass. We're legislated at every turn. So frankly, take your sob story and sell it elsewhere.

I posted it on a couple of writers' forums as, basically, be careful about wishing for reviews, you just might get one. Sales of the book and visits to my website jumped immediately and have remained high. Go figure! :shock: