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WENDIGO! is published

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 11:06 am
by writerjohnb
My latest novel, Wendigo, has just come out.

When a young girl goes missing in the state park billed as "The Grand Canyon of the South," everyone assumes she's merely lost. Everyone but Shadow Fletcher, that is. He's a one-handed, ex-marine, Native American park ranger who senses a cold, ancient evil. When he later finds her bones in a rock cleft, he feels the same supernatural dread. Other children go missing and Shadow goes on the trail of a creature who can outrun, outfight, and outwit him. The immortal, cannibalistic Wendigo.

Available on ... hn+Bushore


Re: WENDIGO! is published

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:12 pm
by Interbane
Congrats John!

Give us the hook, the first sentence.

Re: WENDIGO! is published

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:01 am
by writerjohnb
Interbane wrote:Congrats John!

Give us the hook, the first sentence.
Ranger Shadow Fletcher normally enjoyed watching well-built women as they jogged or ran, even when they were sweaty and their hair in disarray. But as he watched this woman through the glass doors of the Breaks Interstate Park Visitor Center, he quickly decided something must be wrong. She staggered, apparently near exhaustion, as she ran across the parking lot and her face wore a worried expression.