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Novels by Lawrence W. Gold, M.D.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 5:56 pm
by sailchap01
I have six novels published in print and Kindle. Four are part of the Brier Hospital Series. Despite the common setting and sharing of characters, each novel stands on its own.
I've been lucky to have had excellent reviews of my work. Readers like the accurate descriptions of the realities of the scene and the insights into the characters. I depend on the drama intrinsic to medicine without melodrama or gimmicks.

The easiest way to see my work is at:
I have a slide show at:

My next novel in the Brier Series, The Plague Within, will be published soon,
If you'd like to be on my email list for my forthcoming work or for reviews (please specify which) contact me at [email protected]

Re: Novels by Lawrence W. Gold, M.D.

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:46 am
by Chris Dietzel
Hi Lawrence, congratulations on all your work.

I'm planning on doing the same thing with a series of books (i.e., each one can stand alone but is in the same world/setting). Do you have any advice or experience in how that worked for you in building an audience? Specifically: did you find that each subsequent book had a bigger audience than the previous book? Did you market them as part of a series or as stand-alone books? Thanks for any input.

Re: Novels by Lawrence W. Gold, M.D.

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 9:00 am
by sailchap01
No question. I saw a multiplier effect as new novels were added to the series.
I have a small, but growing following for my work, but it still takes much time to promote.
Keep track of readers who enjoy your work, esp. reviewers and ask them for permission to add them to your email contacts list. That way you can get to fans/reviewers right away as you publish new work.
Best of luck.


Re: Novels by Lawrence W. Gold, M.D.

Posted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:20 am
by Chris Dietzel
Thanks a lot, best of luck with your next novel