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Off Grid, by Backwoods

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 1:09 am
by BooksByBackwoods
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Off Grid, by Backwoods
Johnny & Rae Lynn Tapper find safety in solitude, hidden deep within the shelter of the Rocky Mountains. Terrorists have taken away the country they once knew and they survive, secluded and alone, by living off the land. They live wild new lives in a wild new world, living among the wild animals of the vast Colorado wilderness. There are no phones. There is no power. There are few people. They are completely 'Off Grid'.

Find Off Grid and other titles from Backwoods at:

I am the author of this book.
Thank you, ~Backwoods~

Re: Off Grid, by Backwoods

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:23 pm
by BooksByBackwoods
Free e-book!
Get Off Grid, by Backwoods FREE thru Sept. 11th with Promo Code PL87Y. You will have to sign up for a smashwords account if you don't have one, but it is free and simple. They also have tons of free books available.

Re: Off Grid, by Backwoods

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:08 am
by BooksByBackwoods
New Review of Off Grid, by Backwoods!
via Goodreads

Jason Brewer's review Sep 24, 13
4 of 5 stars
Read from September 10 to 24, 2013

While I was reading this story I could hear the authors voice telling me almost as if I was reading his diary about his life, the story kept me intrigued , I could see how our world could be turned upside down like this and at the same time , living off the grid if its just you and your family surviving out in the wilderness , I wouldn't have the knowledge to be able to last very long , I have become somewhat crippled by society ready in a minute meals and open 24/7 stores, the characters I feel like I would love to know them and be with them if this ever happened great story, and the sneak peek to the stronghold has me definitely wanting to read more :)

Review for Off Grid, by Backwoods

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 6:53 pm
by BooksByBackwoods
Review via

I have just read the ten chapters of 'Off Grid' in one go - and I only intended to take a quick look!! This is a very pleasant read and, although the harsh reality is that it is based on the aftermath of a nuclear attack, the life that is being forged in the wilderness overcomes that beautifully. It reminds me of "When the North Wind Blows", "The Trapper" and "Old Yella" all rolled into one.
The book does need proofreading, in spite of some of the other comments (I am a proofreader so forgive me), but that is not important at this stage. I love it and can't wait to see more - is there going to be any more?
High stars and I will be backing it soon.

I have commented on your book and said I would back it soon. What the hell ... 6 stars and on my Bookshelf today. It's a bloody good book - can we have some more?

Tom Ericson
The Anger Within

Re: Off Grid, by Backwoods

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:12 am
by BooksByBackwoods
Another Review for "Off Grid", by Backwoods!
this review via

Hi Backwoods. Finished your upload and I am going to deliver my humble verdict. I loved it. When I was a kid I used to watch Grizzly Adams and always hankered after that kind of life. I know you are probably the finest outdoorsman in your country and you are inspirational. Loved your story, I can't fault it because it happens the way it does, and probably would do, given the circumstances. You should have a copy in every outdoor supply shop from Washington state to New York State and down to Georgia. You should get copies into outdoor supply shops. It will sell very well, (it is like a guide) to the people who you want to reach. At the end of the day, they may learn something about human nature and how to be a leader and a good person in a critical time and situation (long term). Even through periods of great hardship, were self resilience is a key factor in re-building society from the ground up with the technology that has been left behind. Put it this way, If the **** hit the fan, I would want you at my side.

Kindest Regards
Jack Waters
Reuben Falls, Dark Legacy