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ridiculously stupid stories a new book of short stories

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 12:51 pm
by websey
ridiculously stupid stories is a new book written by an unknown author called Alan Henry West

i got this book for my kindle off of amazon, saw the name and thought with a name like that its worth $1
and i wasnt wrong, the stories really are stupid but in a very funny way. its full of crazy story lines whacky characters and clever insane twists that you really wouldnt see coming.

the books amazing, if you like this sort of thing then you should read it

really hope there's gonna be a second one :)

Re: ridiculously stupid stories a new book of short stories

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 3:41 pm
by andrewjoyce
It does sound like a fun book. Thank you for sharing and the price is right!