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BENT COIN by Stephen P. Byers

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2013 9:53 am
by StephenPByers
BENT COIN (2nd Edition August 2012)

llegitimate children, born in poverty, face monumental challenges to escape the disadvantages of their lineage. Still, some will be fortunate to inherit genes allowing them to escape the handicaps of their birth. Joe Haldimann is such a man, yet in an inadvertent moment, he witnesses the drowning of his wife while he holds his four-year-old daughter in his arms. He vows celibacy, dedicating himself to the care and upbringing of his girl, steering her towards a business career. Alas, he errs, for she misses out on the coming-of-age years in high school and college, falling victim to the wiles of a charlatan soon after her father’s death. Too late, she realizes she has fallen for a man who lacks honesty and integrity, who deceives and cheats, who is naught but a “Bent Coin.” The consequences are immense in a battle of inflated egos, devoid of affection. Despite separation and divorce, she cannot escape her ex-husband’s insatiable and ill-conceived desire for revenge.

A story about greed and altruism, deceit and naiveté, disillusionment and revenge between two people whose lives become inextricably entwined, while their son, cursed with the genetic features of his Asiatic grandmother, loved by his mother, detested by his father, endures the challenges of his parents union, making his way to manhood guided by an inspired priest and a kindly baseball coach. (Rated PG16)

QUOTE: Honorable Mention, 80 out of 100 points. A four-star novel. The reviewer’s comments: “I was impressed by the scope of this book, covering so many events over so many years. Of the characters, I found Clarence perhaps the most interesting. I also enjoyed the period details of Chicago. This author has a real knack for scene construction and pacing.” Writer’s Digest Books, Previously Unpublished Contest - Annual contest judge's report 2000. UNQUOTE

QUOTE: With a full arsenal of characters, from the self-made millionaire to the beautiful heiress, Byers brilliantly lays out a story of ulterior motives and lost dreams. Bent Coin encompasses three generations living in and around Chicago, explores many different social classes and how each reacted to the great fire, the depression, the Mafia underground and world war. A family fortune lures a street-wise trucker to capture the heart of one of the most powerful women in Chicago. Her belief in the power of redemption, and his insistence on exploiting her trust, combine to create a compelling novel that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. ... Critic unidentified,