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Anne Rice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 12:48 pm
by GrammaNonni
I recommend two series by Anne Rice: The Wolf Chronicles and The Songs of the Seraphim. They currently have only two books each and she is not writing as prolifically as she used to, so it would be easy to catch up.

Re: Anne Rice

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2015 7:52 pm
by CoolSummer
I think I actually have The Wolf Gift somewhere on this kindle of mine. I know I loved the Mayfair witches, and the vampire novels as well. Anne Rice did this genre the way it should be....or I guess I'm just a Twilight hater lol. but I will definitely check it out soon.

Re: Anne Rice

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 7:45 pm
by GrammaNonni
Thank you, CoolSummer, I loved the Mayfair witches and most of the vampires. I think a couple of them got a bit tedious. I wish she would write more in the Mayfair witches series. It seemed like a few things got left hanging. Hope you find 'The Wolf Gift' on that Kindle. It is incredible, and another genre that she does as it should be.

Re: Anne Rice

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 10:27 am
by CoolSummer
I agree about the Mayfair witches series. But if she writes more I hope she does it in the same vein as the first book in the series, which blew my mind when I read it as a young person. Turned out that I had the first book of both series you mentioned above on my kindle cloud. Luckily I recently discovered my ability to borrow books from my public library for my kindle, so hopefully I can borrow the second book from each. It amazes me how the price of e-books have risen

Re: Anne Rice

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 3:33 pm
by mlmooney89
I have read and currently own most of the vampire chronicles. I actually went through a phase in jr high where I was obsessed with the series. I managed to convince my brother I was a vampire...

I like her style of writing for the most part but as I got older I felt you could tell Rice was a girl by how she wrote the interactions of the vampires. I get that they were lonely since they lived forever but really she made the entire 'cast' seem gay from how they desired each other. I'm not against gay in any sense but really the entire set of characters?

Am I the only one that thinks this?