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Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:09 pm
by Molly28
Hiya. I've recently started publishing on Amazon KDP. My first book is called Welcome To The Fairy Academy, which is a children's fantasy, and is available for purchase now :)

Wendy Ride made her way to an empty carriage on the train for The Fairy Academy For Great Britain, took a seat and opened her copy of ‘Fairy Folk: A History.’
She was halfway through the first page when the carriage door opened and two boys and a girl stepped in.
The girl wore glasses, and had brown-red hair pulled in a ponytail. One boy wore a buzz cut, and the other boy was cuddly looking with floppy, dark brown hair. Wendy blushed that she would think him ‘cuddly lookin“Sorry,” apologised the cuddly boy. “I didn’t realise anyone was sitting here.”
“No, it’s ok,” Wendy smiled, putting her book down. “Take a seat.”
“I want to talk to Mark about something,“ the girl said. She and the buzz cut boy both left.
The cuddly boy rolled his eyes. “Sorry about those two. I’m Charlie, by the way. Charlie Sarb.”
“Wendy Ride.”


Re: Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:35 am
by breddles
Looks like an adorable story Char.
As soon as I'm done with the book I'm currently reading, I'll snap it up and leave you an Amazon review.
How long did it take you from inception to publishing?

Re: Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 7:43 am
by Molly28
Thanks, Breddles. I really appreciate that. It took a couple of months to write :)

Re: Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:30 am
by Molly28
Welcome To The Fairy Academy. I've set up a page on Facebook for my new book

Re: Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:53 am
by Molly28


Wendy Ride made her way to an empty carriage on the train for The Fairy Academy For Great Britain, took a seat and opened her copy of ‘Fairy Folk: A History.’
She was halfway through the first page when the carriage door opened and two boys and a girl stepped in.
The girl wore glasses, and had brown-red hair pulled in a ponytail. One boy wore a buzz cut, and the other boy was cuddly looking with floppy, dark brown hair. Wendy blushed that she would think him ‘cuddly lookin“Sorry,” apologised the cuddly boy. “I didn’t realise anyone was sitting here.”
“No, it’s ok,” Wendy smiled, putting her book down. “Take a seat.”
“I want to talk to Mark about something,“ the girl said. She and the buzz cut boy both left.
The cuddly boy rolled his eyes. “Sorry about those two. I’m Charlie, by the way. Charlie Sarb.”
“Wendy Ride.”
They looked at each other awkwardly for a few seconds, then Charlie picked up Wendy’s book.
“I read this years ago. I’ve always been fascinated with the history of our folk. Have you read it before?”
Wendy smiled. She loved talking about books. “I’ve only just now started it.”
“Trust me. It’s a brilliant read.”
The carriage door suddenly zoomed open, and two girls stood there. One had short, brown curly hair. She had purple glasses. The other girl had black hair, cut short like a boy’s.
“What are you doing here, Sarb?” The curly-haired girl sneered. “This is our carriage now.”
“We were here first,” Wendy said, angrily. “Sod off. We’re having a private conversation.”
“Oooh, your girlfriend’s a feisty one,” laughed the short-haired girl. “Come on, Josie. Let’s see where my brothers are.” They both left.
Wendy looked at the relief on Charlie’s face. “Do you know them?”
Charlie’s eyebrows shifted downwards. “Yes,” he answered. “Josie Carp and Chantal Rowe. Really arrogant pair. Carp’s father defeated the sprite Sir Spriggan ten years ago. So of course, the Carp family are famous, and incredibly pompous and rude with it.”
“And Chantal Rowe?”
Charlie sighed. “The Rowes are an extremely rich family. The whole family are Tooth Fairies. And rude and arrogant with it.”
“So they’re both suited to each other?”
Charlie laughed. So did Wendy.

A snippet from chapter one. Like it? The book is available at:

Re: Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:59 am
by Molly28
As of today: Someone pointed out every follible on my book and made me rethink what I was doing. But since then, I've had several people read and like it. I've have a few 'good lucks', likes and shares on my posts, someone put it on their wishlist, and 3 other people have promised to read it. I also have 8 people on my page :)

Re: Welcome To The Fairy Academy

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:10 pm
by breddles
Hi again Molly,
Love your Facebook page! Inspired me to create my own.
Don't stop creating :)