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New released book "Given A Second Chance"

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:25 pm
by leeann62
My new book “Given A Second Chance” is an engaging and fast-paced fiction novel.

Recently released “Given A Second Chance” is a fascinating and exciting story of a woman who will go to any length to change the past and save her favorite singer. She had come up with a plan back home and was hoping it would work.
She knew who he was. She even knew his name, everyone did. She knew she had to get to him some how. There were so many people that wanted to be close to him, but her reasons were different for she had something very important to tell him and that it was a matter of life or death. The real question was how to get to someone that was so untouchable. My plan has to work. I need for him to want to seek me out,’ she thought. It was then that she heard a roar come from the crowd and knew he was about to appear. Lisa was more than a little worried that her plan would fail, for if this plan did not work she would have to find a new way to reach out to him to make him understand and she knew she didn’t have much time. She had gone over so many scenarios in her mind; it had taken all she had to get there, not just to see it fail. No she could not let that happen.
She rounded the corner onto 53rd Street she could see the platform it was about 5 yards away she moved up just a bit, but did not get any closer. Besides she wanted to distance herself from the crowd that was beginning to form around the make shift stage and yet be near enough for him to see her. The stage was in front of a door and sat higher than the door She was hoping that she would be able to get his attention if only briefly. As she was lost in this thought there came a roar from the crowd. She knew then that he was getting ready to come out. The platform was surrounded with people that stood about 5 to 7 people deep on the sides and towards the road was closer to 10 people deep and growing. It was a good thing they had closed down the road for this occasion.
Another roar came from the crowd snapping her out of her ravine and then there he was standing, waving to the crowd as he jumps upon the stage. At first he was facing away from her, and then very slowly turning, as the crowd continued to chant his name” Mitch” “Mitch” “Mitch” along with screams and whistling. He then turns her way she catches his eye for she was standing back away from the crowd. She looked at him at first with awe then remembering why she was there she changed her expression to the sadness that was to come if she was not able to change things that she was in tears shaking her head; she looked at him one more time with such utter sadness then she turns and walks away.
So if you are looking for an interesting read this is the book for you.
You can visit my blog for more information at

Re: New released book "Given A Second Chance"

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 10:23 am
by hlawrence
Your book sounds interesting to read. I noticed on Amazon you don't have a author page. Visit and you can create a author page to let people follow you on Amazon.

Re: New released book "Given A Second Chance"

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:36 pm
by leeann62
You can now visit me on author central at
Thank you

Re: New released book "Given A Second Chance"

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2016 1:51 pm
by hlawrence
:) Your welcome,
I was wondering if you published your book your self? Have you had any luck of selling any of your books?

Re: New released book "Given A Second Chance"

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 4:43 pm
by leeann62
No I had it published through Page publishing. It has just been released in November, but to answer your question no I have not.