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The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:41 pm
by David Welch
After the War in Heaven, the fallen were cast out and bound to Hell…until they found ways to escape. Determined to continue the war, they and their demon offspring have set their sights on human beings. Armed with the ability to directly influence a person’s emotions and driven by an unquenchable hatred, they are determined to prove God wrong by corrupting, controlling, debasing and destroying his favorite creations. And they’ve gotten very good at it.

But the Man Upstairs isn’t about to turn his back on mankind, not without sending in a ringer of His own. When the archangel Michael descends to Earth in human form, he teams up with disgraced cop Ryker Lange, a man who values doing what is right far more than he ever did the law. Joining them is Icelandic immigrant Vig Ivarsdottir, a failed actress turned waitress who herself has been a victim of a fallen angel’s designs. They’re an odd bunch, no doubt, but sometimes an odd bunch is exactly what you need. Together they’re taking the fight to the fallen and their bestial demon children, running them down one-by-one to keep the world safe. And when the worst of the worst begins plotting a return—well, they’ll just have to take the fight to him too, however great the cost may be…


Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:54 pm
by David Welch
4.6 rating on Amazon! Sure thing if you're looking for action with a supernatural flavor!

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:16 pm
by David Welch
Ryker Lange never expected his desire for justice would destroy his career, especially since he was a cop. But when he went after a child molester without sufficient evidence he found himself ruined, since said molester was a mayor's brother. When all seemed lost he came across a crazy man who claimed to be an angel out hunting his fallen brethren, and who knew a stunning amount of information about him, and the man he was hunting. Going along with him against his better judgment, Ryker soon finds that there are evils in this world far worse than anything he'd seen on the force. But he's never been one to run from monsters, and he's not about to start now...

See for yourself in THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS, available on Amazon.

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Sat May 26, 2018 1:28 pm
by David Welch
This weekend only, $.99 on Amazon! THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS, 4.8 Amazon rating. Great supernatural action-adventure.

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:41 pm
by David Welch
Vigdis Ivarsdottir came to America with a dream of being a movie star. She had the looks, youth, and ambitions...and failed miserably like so many others before her. Down on her luck, she relocated to Seattle, taking jobs as a waitress and an exotic dancer. Unbeknownst to her, the boss as the club she danced at was a fallen angel, with a skill for influencing good people into doing depraved things. But Vig is anything but weak-willed, and managed to escape before too much damage was done. She had thought that was the end of it, until two men walked into the diner she worked at, hunting the very same monster who nearly ruined her life. Now Vig faces a hard choice: ignore what's happened and continue living an unimpressive life, or join up with Mick and Ryker to take on some of the worst scum Hell can dish up...

THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS, now available on Amazon.

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Fri Nov 15, 2019 6:36 pm
by David Welch
FREE GIVEAWAY, this weekend only! (11/15/-11/17)

THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS; thrilling, supernatural action-horror tales

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 3:51 pm
by David Welch
The archangel Michael has been around for a while, since the beginning actually. Rising from a lowly angel to the commander of the Heavenly Host, this Fist of God is famous for defeating Satan and winning the War in Heaven. He spends most of his time in Purgatory, helping people to transcend their sins and move on to Heaven. But every few centuries he comes to Earth, when the fallen become too numerous and too aggressive to be contained by his less-sklled brethren. And he's facing just such a situation now. Armed with millions of years of knowledge and impressive fighting skills, he's on a mission, and will see that it gets done.

Of course even an archangel is prone to distraction. And given that his wife lives on Earth, and hasn't seen him in five hundred years, you couldn't blame the guy for wanting a little time to himself...

See for yourself in THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS. Available on Amazon, FREE for Kindle Unlimited.

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:03 pm
by David Welch
For five thousand years Lilith's name has been a curse, something you use to scare your children into behaving. What few know is that it was she, not Adam, who first stumbled upon the truth of the Almighty. The Adam betrayed her, claimed credit for himself, and married her sister, Ever. But The Big Guy does not forgot his faithful, and due to her discovery Lilith has been alive for five thousand years, seeing the world that has been built as a result of her discovery.

She has also fallen head over heels for Michael, the 'man' who has become her soulmate in a way Adam never could. Only problem, he spends most of his time in the next world, and much of his time on earth he's running around after the fallen. But Lilith is a determined woman, and knows that in in the toughest situations you sometimes have to make time for the important things...

See for yourself in THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS. Available on Amazon, FREE for Kindle Unlimited.

Also keep an eye out for my new western, THE DAY OF THE DEPUTY, available 10/7.

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2021 6:54 pm
by David Welch
Can a fallen angel ever receive forgiveness? An interesting question, but not an academic one for Nachael. After allowing himself to get talked into siding with Lucifer, despite not totally seeing eye-to-eye, Nachael found himself cast into the pit with his fellow rebels. Determined to right his wrong, he has escaped multiple times, dedicating his Earthly lives to doing good by mankind. But when your crime was trying to kill God himself, can you ever really make up for your sins? And when your fellow fallen angels see you as a traitor, and are dedicated to undoing everything you attempt to do, is it even worth trying?

See for yourself in THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS. Available on Amazon, ebook or paperback. FREE for Kindle Unlimited.

Re: The Fallen Angel Hunters- Man vs. angel in paranormal adventures

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:24 pm
by David Welch
From a five-star Amazon Review: 'The author has created a book that sucks you in. No matter your religious beliefs the concept still engages your thoughts and makes you wonder. A great read.'

THE FALLEN ANGEL HUNTERS, available on Amazon, FREE for Kindle Unlimited.