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The Earthlings a Science Fiction Novel

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 10:49 pm
by Wanda Wright
Journey into an alien universe where earthlings have ended all divisions joining together to end alien enslavement. Relaa and Macbeth are on different journeys but trying to get the same thing, freedom. Earthling identities are a thing of the past as unlikely heroes are forged by the fight for freedom. Rebels on other planets have come to help them gain freedom and the past has convinced them only war can get them all there. But not everyone agrees and some have another plan to get equality and freedom. Only time can reveal the truth and everyone is running out of time as more earthlings are dying each day that things remain the same.

The Earthlings was launched January 15th and since then is ranking in the top hundreds in several countries. It has received a 5 star review on

Re: The Earthlings a Science Fiction Novel

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 6:24 pm
by Wanda Wright
Want to read the first chapter? Go here...

Re: The Earthlings a Science Fiction Novel

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2019 1:11 pm
by Wanda Wright
The link above no longer works sorry but once I put it up on Amazon I deleted it on Booksie. Check out the more recent post that gives you the link to Amazon. Thanks!

Re: The Earthlings a Science Fiction Novel

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 5:28 pm
by Wanda Wright
As a writer I love weekends because that is when readers read books. Most of us do not read on Mondays because we have to focus back on that work that pays us a living. But for me it's my day where I write more because that is when most readers don't read.

Thanks everyone for keeping this book going strong. It's an anomaly that it only has one review but still continues and I like it like that. It would be of course fine the other way as well with tons of reviews but I am not complaining. Readers is what I care about not whether they will give a review or not. 1500 so far for all my novels and stories and I am a happy writer.

Thanks everyone! :bananadance:

Re: The Earthlings a Science Fiction Novel

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:53 pm
by Wanda Wright
Would you like a free copy in exchange for a review? I am not paying for reviews but if I had the hundreds of dollars I probably would. So I have one 5 star and if you have kindle that helps because the finalized copy was finished in the KDP program. Just hit me up